On the wall of the old industrial complex, across the street from the previous homes of Dinslaken Lohberg’s coal miners, stands a lone kiosk. The abandoned structure that used to serve as a central point and social meeting center of the town was turned several years ago into a gallery and art venue, Kunst Kiosk 422, by Britta L.QL, who grew up in the city. Glitterbug and I had the pleasure of speaking and performing at the mini venue last week and are presenting our ‘Passages’ installation there throughout the coming month. In addition, for the month of the installation the ARTOMAT (an old cigarette dispenser converted into an art vending machine) next to the kiosk features a digital copy of Cancerboy + my signed album artwork for 5Euros.
Hünxer Str. 422, Dinslaken Lohberg.
© 2012 Ronni Shendar