© 2010 Ronni Shendar

Don Giovanni footage

(the photo above was taken from the Cologne Opera’s website, credit: Forster)

As I wrote in a previous post, I spent June working for the new production of Don Giovanni at the Cologne Opera working with video artist Gil Sperling and establishing the opera house’s new live-video playback system. Sperling uploaded several short clips from the opera to his vimeo page:

Video projections created by Gil Sperling for the production of W.A. Mozart’s Don Giovanni at Oper Köln, June 2010.
Part I: Ouverture+Aria “Notte e giorno faticar”

Conductor: Markus Stenz
Director: Uwe Eric Laufenberg

Leporello: Mikhail Petrenko
Don Giovanni: Christopher Maltman
Donna Anna: Simone Kermes

Written, directed, edited by: Gil Sperling
Producer: Thomas Schmitt
Camera: Patrick Doberenz
Live Video: Ronni Shendar

and one more video from the opera’s website: here