© 2011 Ronni Shendar

Gold Panda ‘Marriage’ live at Koko

Paul Bridgewater and Sebastien Dehesdin put together this lovely glimpse into the Gold Panda show at Koko Camden in London, and you can see some of the visuals and the lights installation I perform with him on tour. I will soon upload more clips and documentation of the project.

Many thanks again to Gold Panda and his super-management boys Gareth Dobson and Pete Flinton, and a very special thanks to good friend, artist, technologist, hacker and general-amazing-guy Nathan Fain Nathan Fain (cyphunk, deadhacker.com, cypherpoet.com, squimp.com) for his technical counseling, researching, engineering, programming and exceptional soldering skills, who made the installation come to life. I would not have been able to pull this off without him. And another thank you to Till Rohmann aka Glitterbug for his ingenuity, patience, advice, delicious cooking and soldering skills.

(Photo above of the light installation from the stage overlooking the Koko before doors opened)