Alamo/Petro Truck Stop and Casino, Reno Nevada
Gas tank was empty. Till and I exited under a massive illuminating Alamo sign: ‘HAPPY HOUR’; ‘GAS’; ‘CB SHOP’, at the edge of Reno, Nevada, right where the desert hills begin to roll towards their immeasurable succeeding expanse.
“You get cash back” said the old silver haired woman behind the cash register, “…and ain’t that always a good thang!”
She looked outside at our loaned Prius Hybrid standing amidst the shining chrome of endless semis and reflecting rims of pimped up pick-ups:
“You from California?” she asked.
Till, in his German temperament explained that we’re visiting and pointed to me as I was filling up the tank “her brother lives in California”.
“Oh” she paused, “That young man is a she?!”