Glitterbug and myself are venturing into our next exciting project/performance/release (yes, all in one!) titled “Audible Approaches For A Better Place”, which is exactly as the title suggests: a project that asks artists to create a composition aimed at making the world better, more beautiful more just.
The idea for the evening and the CD-compilation came as both a response to the overwhelming issues of global and local injustices and a very naive and sincere belief that art, in its essence, is a political act and path to changing the world. It’s both cynical and self-humorous while totally genuine and heartfelt: To make something beautiful and thoughtful; to dedicate a little bit of our creative time to ponder about these things and to do this on stage with other artists and the audience.
The works will be released as a 2XCD on our c.sides Label and will be performed live by all participating artists on May 12th, 2011, in the HKW (House of World Cultures), Berlin! (as part of the HKW Lokal series of performances within the ÜBER LEBENSKUNST program).
For our joint project, Glitterbug and myself teamed up with (the ever lovely and talented) Arabic Soprano, Enas Massalha, and the photo above is from the recording session in our studio in Cologne earlier this month.
There will be a lot more exciting info to come, but we can already share that the release will see exclusive works of dear friends and beloved artists, such as:
Mads Brauer and Casper Clausen (of Efterklang), Gold Panda, Khan (Oral), Jasmina Maschina, Christian Löffler, John Farah, Eliad Wagner, Enas Massalha and the joint project of Glitterbug & Enas Massalha.